TM 200300688
Key information
Application number 200300688 Trademark text VINDEX Case type National mark Status - Renewed
Filed 2003.01.27 Registration number 220670 Registered 2003.09.18 Published in the Gazette 2003.10.13 Renewal deadline 2033.09.18 Trademark category Trademark Type of Mark Combined or purely figurative Mark Goods/services (NICE class) 6, 19, 20 Acquired distinctiveness No Figurative elements (Vienna class) 27.05.01
Applicant Vindex AS (NO) Owner Vindex AS (NO)
List of products
Class 6 Vindusskodder og sprosser av metall. Class 19 Vindusskodder og sprosser ikke av metall. Class 20 Møbler og plastvarer ikke opptatt i andre klasser.
2024.01.25 | 01-01 | Renewal | 200300688(220670) | OUT | VM Betalt fornyelse | |||
2024.01.15 | 04-01 | Examination | 200300688(220670) | OUT | VM Påminnelse om ikke betalt fornyelse (3327) | |||
2023.05.15 | 03-01 | Examination | 200300688(220670) | OUT | VM Varsel om betaling av fornyelse (3321) (VM200300688) | |||
2014.03.05 | 01-01 | Renewal | 200300688 | OUT | VM Batch Betalt fornyelse (3323) | |||
2013.11.18 | 02-01 | Examination | 200300688 | OUT | Batch TMSTARTGRACE Påminnelse ikke betalt fornyelse | |||
2013.07.19 | 01-01 | Examination | 200300688 | OUT | Reminder of fee (TradeMark) (2013.07.19) |