Key information

Application number
Trademark text
Case type
National mark
Invalidated by court
Registration number
Published in the Gazette
Trademark category
Type of Mark
Word Mark
Goods/services (NICE class)
Acquired distinctiveness
Estrella Maarud Brands AB (SE)
Estrella AB (SE)

List of products

Class 29
Snackprodukter basert på poteter.


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Date Doc. No. Process Case number In/Out Journal description To/from
2017.05.30 11-01 Examination 200910255 OUT Varemerke Generelt Brev Bryn Aarflot AS
2017.01.26 02-01 Assignment 2017/00623 OUT GH Forespørsel Bryn Aarflot AS
2017.01.20 01-04 Assignment 2017/00623 IN Fullmakt Bryn Aarflot AS
2017.01.20 01-03 Assignment 2017/00623 IN Merger_Estrella Maarud Brands AB Bryn Aarflot AS
2017.01.20 01-02 Assignment 2017/00623 IN Liste for endringer Bryn Aarflot AS
2017.01.20 01-01 Assignment 2017/00623 IN Generell henvendelse Bryn Aarflot AS
2016.02.02 10-01 Examination 200910255 IN Dom fra Oslo tingrett
2016.02.02 09-01 Examination 200910255 IN Brev fra Oslo tingrett
2015.10.27 02-01 Assignment Change of agent/attorney 2015/14158 OUT GH Forespørsel Bryn Aarflot AS
2015.10.22 01-03 Assignment Change of agent/attorney 2015/14158 IN Liste over forekomster til endringen Bryn Aarflot AS
2015.10.22 01-02 Assignment Change of agent/attorney 2015/14158 IN Fullmakt Bryn Aarflot AS
2015.10.22 01-01 Assignment Change of agent/attorney 2015/14158 IN Generell henvendelse Bryn Aarflot AS
2015.06.19 02-01 Changes in LOGS (TM) 2015/08129 OUT GH Forespørsel Bryn Aarflot AS
2015.06.15 01-02 Changes in LOGS (TM) 2015/08129 IN Fullmakt Bryn Aarflot AS
2015.06.15 01-01 Changes in LOGS (TM) 2015/08129 IN Generell henvendelse Bryn Aarflot AS
2010.03.24 08-01 Examination 200910255 OUT Oversendelse reg. brev Zacco Norway AS
2010.03.18 07-01 Examination 254745 (200910255) IN Korrespondanse (hoved dok)
2010.03.12 06-01 Examination 200910255 OUT Oversendelse reg. brev
2010.03.02 05-03 Examination 200910255 IN Annet dokument
2010.03.02 05-02 Examination 200910255 IN Fullmakt
2010.03.02 05-01 Examination 200910255 IN Korrespondanse (hoved dok)
2009.12.03 04-01 Examination 200910255 OUT Realitetsbrev i søknad Zacco Norway AS
2009.11.20 03-02 Examination 200910255 IN Fullmakt
2009.11.20 03-01 Examination 200910255 IN Korrespondanse (hoved dok)
2009.10.09 02-02 Examination 200910255 IN Tilleggsskjema for varer og tjenester
2009.10.09 02-01 Examination 200910255 IN Korrespondanse (hoved dok)
2009.10.08 01-03 Examination 200910255 IN Tilleggsskjema for varer og tjenester Zacco Norway AS
2009.10.08 01-02 Examination 200910255 IN Annet dokument Zacco Norway AS
2009.10.08 01-01 Examination 200910255 IN Søknadsskjema VM (TM Form) Zacco Norway AS


No priority

Applicants and owners

ApplicantsEstrella Maarud Brands AB Angereds Storåsväg 42480 ANGERED SEOwnersEstrella AB Angereds Storåsväg 42480 ANGERED SE


BRYN AARFLOT AS Stortingsgata 8 0161 OSLO NO (OSLO Municipality, OSLO county)
Org. number: 979993269
Reference: -

Status history

Payment history

This overview may be incomplete, especially for older cases. For International marks, check WIPO's database.

Oppositions and appeals

No oppositions or appeals

Alteration of mark

No alteration of mark

Liens and licences

No liens or licenses registered

Gazette entries

No Gazette entries foundOnly events from 2024.03.04 and onwards are shown.